Sabtu, 28 Februari 2009

lagi-lagi pr....

kenapa PR itu selalu ada... ?
ada yang bisa bantuiin gw jawab....

100 Truths. After you've filled this out, tag 20 peoples ang have them to do the same.
Last beverage --> milo
Last phone call --> my mom
Last instant message -->mom
last song you listened to --> YUI - summer song
LAst time you cried --> last Thursday

Date someone twice --> no
Been cheated on --> yes
Kissed someone and regretted it --> no
Lost someone special --> yes

Fallen out of love --> no
Laughed until yuo cried --> forget
Met someone who changed your live --> yes
Found out someone was talking 'bout you --> yes
Do you have any pets --> no
Do you want to change your name? --> no
What time did you wake up today --> 4.30
What were you doing at midnight last night --> slept
Name something you CANNOT wait for --> i don't want to tell his name
What's one thing you wish you could change --> wo bu zhidao
What getting on your nerves right now --> "wo bu zhidao"
What's your real name --> Savitri Agung
Zodiak sign --> gemini girl
Are you a health freak --> yes
righty or lefty--> right

first surgery --> not yet
first piercing --> not yet
first best friend -->Veny, n f4, (dee, hime, lidya), ...
first sport you joined --> badminton
first pet --> bird
first vacation --> anyer
first crush --> yes

kissed a stranger --> no
Drank hard liquor --> no
Lost glasses/contact --> yes
Ran away from home --> no
Broken someone's heart --> yes
Been arrested --> never
Turn someone down --> yes
Cried when someone died --> yes,

Youre self --> yes
Miracle --> yes
Love at fisrt sight --> no
Heaven --> yes
Santa Claus --> maybe yes maybe no, ( someone believe it, although we don't know he exist. I think Santa Claus is a hope in a cold winter)
Kiss on the fisrt date --> no
Angel --> yes

Is there one person you want to be with right now --> yes
Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriends one time --> no . just once
Do you believe in God --> yes
Is this quetionnaire a waste of time --> yes!!! of course !!!

this task I’ll tag to Dinda Schafer

3 komentar:

H-FiZ mengatakan...

Wew, dah dikerjain... Bagooosss

Dinda A. M mengatakan...

gak posting lagi sav?? gmn kabarnya di RP? smansa sibukk... dan maksa abis, persis spensa... tapi aku suka, hehehehe ;)

Fadel Mauladio mengatakan...

dapat award tuh dari gw ....